Lateness Policy
Whilst we fully appreciate that it is sometimes out of you control, please understand that we are very clear on our policies regarding booking fees and lateness. We make these policies very clear on our terms and conditions, which all patients must accept prior to booking.
We are a kind company, and if we are able to accomodate your booking safely, then we will do. However, under no circumstances will we be pressured into treating late comers if we are rushed, short of time, or if it will cause a disruption to remaining patients or the rest of the day.
Please understand that we are a professional business and these treatments take time and precision. It is therefore at the technicians discretion as to whether it is safe and professional to go ahead in the time frame available.
In the event you are able to be seen, you will unfortunately lose your booking fee and you will be required to make a new booking. We therefore urge you to set off early, and make travel / parking arrangements prior to your visit.
All decisions are made in the best interests of our patient and whilst we appreciate are policies are strict, they are a last case scenario.
Thank you for your understanding.